Bug trackers registered in QuickBuild

A bug report in QuickBuild can be linked to a bug report in any of these bug trackers. The status of the external bug report is shown in QuickBuild, and QuickBuild subscribers are notified when the external status changes.

19 of 9 trackers
Title Location Linked Projects Type Watches
Debian Bug tracker http://bugs.debian.org Debbugs 0
Email bugtracker mailto:<email address hidden> Email Address 0
T'other Gnome GBugGTracker http://bugzilla.gnome.org/ Bugzilla 0
GnomeGBug GTracker http://bugzilla.gnome.org/bugs Bugzilla 0
The Mozilla.org Bug Tracker https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/ Bugzilla 0
GNU Savannah Bug Tracker http://savannah.gnu.org/ Savane 0
SourceForge.net Tracker http://sourceforge.net/ SourceForge or SourceForge derivative 0
TDE Bugzilla http://bugs.trinitydesktop.org Trinity Desktop Environment Bugzilla 0
The Ubuntu.com bugzilla http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/bugs/ Bugzilla 0
19 of 9 trackers

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